Call for Proposals: 2024-2025 Matrix Faculty Fellows

The deadline for this application has passed. Please stay tuned to the Matrix website and newsletter for future updates.

The Matrix Faculty Fellows program supports Assistant- and Associate-level faculty members at UC Berkeley for their continuing work on research that has a significant impact in multiple disciplines in the social sciences. The selection committee will consider both the impact of the work of a scholar in their home discipline, as well as the project’s potential impact and interest to scholars in other fields, aligning with the mission of Social Science Matrix. In their proposals, scholars should also clearly identify how their work aligns with Matrix’s research streams, including our highlighted streams of climate, democracy, inclusion, inequality, and information. 

Eligibility and Award

Applicants must be at the Assistant or Associate level with a primary appointment in a department in the UC Berkeley Division of Social Sciences (please email if you have questions about your eligibility). Fellows will receive one course release for either the Fall 2024 or Spring 2025 semester, for the primary purpose of continuing work on their publications and/or book manuscript in an interdisciplinary environment. During this time, the professor will also be expected to:

  • Produce or participate in a Matrix website feature (e.g., podcast, article).
  • Help plan at least one Matrix on Point panel event or interdisciplinary workshop on a topic related to their research, with the assistance of additional funding support from Matrix. 

We expect there will be four Matrix Faculty Fellows during the 2024-2025 academic year. Depending on the applications received, there may be overlapping themes among the fellows, and they may wish to work on collaborative projects. 

Fellows must make arrangements for course release directly with the chair of their department. As a consideration for this reduction in teaching, a Faculty Fellow’s department receives funds in accordance with general campus policy for course release.

Application Materials

Please complete an application using the format outlined in this PDF document (available here as Google Doc). Applications should be uploaded as a PDF through the submission portal by March 27, 2024, 11:59pm.

Questions? Please contact Julia Sizek at